- provavelmente, mais.

- piu piu piu o palhaço que se riu
- piu piu piu o palhaço que caiu
Depois da exposição ao Facebook uma referência ao Twitter antes de concluirmos as redes sociais. Tão virulento como o FB, teve uma visibilidade extraordinária nas eleições norte-americanas enquanto canal privilegiado de Trump no que foi simultaneamente o seu pior ano de sempre na acumulação de prejuízos e derrotas estratégicas - na perspectiva empresarial dos ditos. Não nos vamos demorar na complicada história do Twitter até ao momento: como a BD portuguesa e o seu riquíssimo historial de nomes, datas e acontecimentos, tudo desaparecerá in just one stroke *.
* Portanto, agora devagarinho: "just one strike" como em "um só golpe". Mas falamos de desenhar, substituis por "stroke", que compreende o golpe violento na mesma - "heart stroke" dos cotas ou outros com excessos de colesterol e gordurinhas - mas acrescenta-lhes a alusão ao lápis e ao pincel. Logo, e agora de uma só vez: num só bom rasgo de BD faz-se tábua rasa de todo o folclore comediano à data. O que é bom, e mau. Fica para outra vez :)
É do fado das novas tecnologias que revolvam num turbilhão de direcções e intenções que escapam ao âmbito das nossas teses pelo que nos escusamos de as registar. Queremos apenas fazer notar, sobre o artigo anterior, de várias, uma pequena-grande diferença que nos importa. Ao contrário do FB, o Twitter assume agora -por enquanto...?- uma determinação de resolver o problema dos trolls. Se na outra rede social estes parecem fomentar o engage dos utilizadores, o seu excesso no Twitter por via do seu funcionamento tornou-se demasiado oneroso à empresa que tem assim uma motivação muito explicita para barrar o que no Facebook é bom para o negócio. Logo, o que motiva o Twitter?
Melhores negócios.
Ou, um qualquer que seja...
Ao contrário do FB o Twitter está no vermelho, o silenciar de trolls não lhes prejudica no lucro que não têm para começar e permite-lhes apresentarem-se ao público como uma empresa de boas intenções - ainda que, entre os mais atentos, essa imagem esteja já por demais enlameada dos diversos episódios no seu oposto. Mas ao contrário do FB, o Twitter precisa dessas aparências mais do que nunca. De um dos excertos da nossa última entrada:
A troll war of competing belief systems, played out in abuse and slurs, is an expensive nightmare to moderate and, as Twitter has discovered, poison to advertisers.
in "Facebook can no longer be ‘I didn’t do it’ boy of global media"
Não são apenas veneno para os anunciantes: os trollies estão a espantar potenciais compradores do serviço numa altura que o Twitter continua desesperadamente à procura de um.
Segue-se o mashup para arquivo e suporte às nossas conclusões, remataremos este levantamento de tópicos cruzado ao Facebook sobre censura, e destes retomaremos futuramente aos algoritmos por contraponto ao jornalismo. E, confiem em nós, tudo voltará a apontar à BD no final. Trust us.
Primeiro, da importância do mesmo.
Twitter was the platform of choice for the campaign of President-elect Donald Trump and the alt-right political movement that embraced him. The alt-right used social media to spread its cause of white supremacy, operating largely unchecked by social media giants Twitter and Facebook.
in "Twitter suspends alt-right accounts" 17 nov 2016
Twitter emerged during the 2016 presidential election as the pre-eminent means by which pro-Trump troll accounts—many of them automated, located outside the United States, often in Russia—disseminated false news and attempted to drive opponents off social media altogether.
in "Twitter's Misbegotten Censorship" 16 nov 2016
De 1 de novembro, sete dias antes das eleições, notem as assunções feitas e a comparação entre a discrepância que se evidencia nas redes sociais e o resultado que quase todos esperavam confirmar no intervalo de uma semana:
The only place that we’re hearing that Donald Trump honestly is losing is in the media or these polls (...) you’re not seeing it on social media—where Donald Trump is two to three times more popular than Hillary Clinton on every social media platform. (..) The Clinton campaign, meanwhile, has stuck by traditional polls as evidence of her success.
in "How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election" 1 nov 2016
Ooops. As sondagens, como a imprensa em geral, tem um lugar especial no inferno dOS POSITIVOS, mas hoje não é o dia. A citação anterior refere-se à importância dos bots no ruído das redes sociais e chegaremos a esses adiante, mas antes avancemos à principal diferença a contrapor ao Facebook do rescaldo da mediatização do fracasso dos media perante as redes sociais: a voluntariedade do Twitter silenciar trolls. Como o dissemos, é uma questão de guito, e contrariamente ao ecossistema do FB, a infestação de trollies produziu consequências indesejáveis - além das óbvias, ie. Esta diferença é, no entanto, apenas um sintoma de uma diferença muito maior e mais premente à nossa investigação.
Mas antes, a censura do troll.
Não tendo ainda alcançado vez alguma lucros e acumulando prejuízos, procura desesperadamente comprador:
Twitter appears set to throw in the towel. Having struggled to repeat the magic formula that has turned Facebook and Instagram into social media behemoths, and wrestling with repeated losses, an array of suitors is now believed to be circling the company.
in "Who will buy Twitter? The potential bidders, from Google to Disney" 27 set 2016
Entre esses compradores, várias suposições são feitas regularmente, incluindo ao rol o Google e a Apple, e conversações chegaram a tomar lugar entre o Passarinho e gigantes tão dispares como a Disney e a Salesforce. Esta disparidade de potenciais compradores revela por seu lado a incapacidade do próprio Twitter em descobrir a sua vocação - e mais daqui a 30 segundos.
Antes, e apesar da previsibilidade desta informação se render inútil algures nos próximos seis meses, fica um apanhado do emaranhado de direcções que se apresentam ao Tuí-tuí:
Why would anyone buy Twitter? Google has repeatedly struggled to gain traction in social networking (...) Buying Twitter would give it an instant presence where it has failed to build its own social properties. There is also clear potential to integrate Twitter with other Google services, particularly YouTube (YouTube has become a sleeper social hit) (...) However, Google already has a deal in place to include Twitter data on its most valuable property – its search engine - without owning it. It is unclear what the immediate benefits of owning Twitter would be for Disney. Such a deal would be likely to raise concerns about the value of Twitter itself: would other media giants be willing to put as much effort into Twitter if it were owned by a rival? Salesforce: managing customer service and marketing campaigns, buying the company would give Salesforce an enormous store of data [mas] It’s unclear if the benefits of a tie-up would be worth it. Microsoft: compete with Facebook [mas já têm o linkdin para isso] Verizon: having bought AOL and agreed a takeover of Yahoo in the last 18 months, a third big online property would fit into its plan to build a digital advertising challenger to Google and Facebook. Apple: is a tiny player in Twitter’s core business – advertising
in "Who will buy Twitter? The potential bidders, from Google to Disney" 27 set 2016
E antes que penses muito nisso, tanto a Disney como a Salesforce já se retiraram do negócio e os restantes são apenas suposições. Mais importante é a referência ao Twitter enquanto empresa de media porque as implicações são vastas e tratamos dessas no ponto dois. Antes, e nessa lógica uma piada fácil da nossa parte:
Twitter’s market cap looks more like that of a media company, [que torna o Twitter] a company like Disney or Verizon, which owns AOL and has agreed to buy the core assets of Yahoo. AOL and Yahoo also make interesting comparisons for Twitter. At some point, each ceased to meaningfully innovate and became, for the most part, a content business.
in "Why Twitter Is Actually a Media Company" 16 out 2016
IE, Verizon: onde os gigantes de ontem vão para morrer :)
Piada fácil à parte, note-se o Twitter como um "content business", e como o seu destino não parece brilhante:
Morale has deteriorated over the last year. Rank-and-file staff members are frustrated about being in the dark on the company’s future, and a handful of employees have stopped showing up for work entirely, several insiders said. (...) Twitter’s fate has appeared to be murkier than ever. The troubled social media company to be running out of potential buyers.
in "Twitter Is Said to Be in Continued Talks With Salesforce" 10 out 2016
Porque desistiu a Disney e a Salesforce do Piu-piu?
Walt Disney Co. decided not to pursue a bid for Twitter: partly out of concern that bullying and other uncivil forms of communication on the social media site might soil the company’s wholesome family image (..) Disney’s discomfort with abuse on the site indicates that it’s a larger problem for Twitter’s business prospects than its executives imagined.
in "Disney Dropped Twitter Pursuit Partly Over Image" 17 out 2016
Salesforce was turned off by a more fundamental problem that's been hurting Twitter for years: trolls (…) the haters reduce the value of the company
in "Twitter trolls were part of the reason why Salesforce walked away from a deal" 17 out 2016
Lê com aquele tom de desaprovação: "trolls!". Isso, esses.
E, como sempre, tudo começa com as melhores das intenções do mundo: liberdade de expressão. Excerto com tudo o que deves saber do pragmaticamente entitulado "A Honeypot For Assholes": Inside Twitter’s 10-Year Failure To Stop Harassment"
"The Tweets Must Flow" + "Twitter is the free speech wing of the free speech party" (...) [Uma] maximalist approach to free speech was integral to Twitter’s rise, but quickly created the conditions for abuse. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, which have always banned content and have never positioned themselves as platforms for free speech, Twitter has made an ideology out of protecting its most objectionable users. (...) Twitter has not just tolerated abuse and hate speech, it’s virtually been optimized to accommodate it. (…) Today, Twitter is a well-known hunting ground for women and people of color, who are targeted by neo-Nazis, racists, misogynists, and trolls, often just for showing up.
Ou, como resume o também tão adequado "Twitter Addresses Troll Problem. Again."
When the social media site was created, its founders thought it could be the water cooler or town hall for the world. It was a nice thought. What they probably never anticipated was that Twitter would become a meeting place for all sorts of people you would never want to meet at the water cooler.
in "Twitter Addresses Troll Problem. Again." 15 nov 2016
A infeliz situação em que o Twee-twee se encontra é, grosso modo, culpa do dito. A indefinição da sua missão, função, intenção, ie, "para que serve", atormenta-o desde a concepção, e atingiu um ponto de não retorno que explode nos trolhas agora com a visibilidade acrescida que Trump provoca:
Stagnant growth, media scrutiny, and constant personnel shifts created fissures in Twitter’s once rock-solid free speech defense.(...) The fear of disappointing Wall Street with stagnant user numbers led the executive team to reshuffle Twitter’s priorities again and again. (...) It feels to a certain extent that it’s led to paralysis. (...) "You have this opposition between defending the user’s experience and not shutting down speech all while there’s this big, toxic mass of people that are abusing" (...) "That tension has now, I think, in the past few years, flipped on its head. It’s clear something needs to be done."
in "A Honeypot For Assholes": Inside Twitter’s 10-Year Failure To Stop Harassment" 11 agosto 2016
E something foi done. Aquilo da censura então. Mas será o silenciar do troll positivo? **
** E ali mesmo a mais próxima relação possível entre "troll" e "positivo". No plural, estão tão afastados um do outro que alguns não conseguem percorrer a distância.
O Facebook depara-se com o mesmo dilema de escolher entre liberdade de expressão e a censura e este dilema não é apenas cívico: como sempre, há um determinante económico por detrás, e esta é mais uma escolha entre a falsa liberdade de expressão que a propagação de mentiras prova, e o custo que um monopólio no gatekeeping lhes cobra. Compreenderemos melhor este questão depois de expormos o já mencionado ponto dois: os media. Por enquanto, novamente, importa-nos realçar a diferença de atitude neste condensado - e reforçado ao Google como bónus:
But give Twitter credit for one thing: Its executives realize they have a problem. On Tuesday, the company outlined new ways to report or hide offensive content. In related news, Google said on Monday that it planned to crack down on fake news sites that rely on its AdSense advertising network to turn fabrication into a profit-making venture. That both companies are taking a hard look at how their services are being misused shined a harsh light on Facebook, where Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive, dismissed the company’s problem with fake news posts (...) Mr. Zuckerberg must run in different Facebook circles than the rest of us.
in "Twitter Addresses Troll Problem. Again." 15 nov 2016
Congratulemos o Tweet na intenção, mas, aquilo das intenções...
For years, Twitter billed itself as "the free speech wing of the free speech party." But as the social media service grew, that hands-off approach contributed to a dramatic rise in abuse, harassment and hate speech. As the company's user and revenue growth stagnated and public backlash increased, Twitter has in recent months begun to address complaints.
in "Twitter suspends alt-right accounts" 17 nov 2016
Quase-quase a terminar o primeiro, ainda a propósito de trolls, censura, e antes de esgotarmos os media, a menção àquele tipo de troll desmiolado, que, por o ser, poderá relevar mais inteligência do que a sua contra-parte humana: o bot. Evil bot, that is.
Bots silence people and groups who might otherwise have a stake in a conversation (...) bots used to attack journalists might cause them to stop reporting on important issues because they fear retribution and harassment.
in "How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election" 1 nov 2016
Tão evil, que, como o outro, o seu maior truque é ainda conseguir que outros não acreditem que eles existem:
The Federal Elections Commission has shown no evidence of even recognizing that bots exist.
in "How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election" 1 nov 2016
…apesar de todos atrás dos bastidores estarem por dentro da ação:
Technology firms are currently investing in the new bot economy, which some say is the future of digital communication.
in "How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election" 1 nov 2016
E a sua importância -como a do outro- decresce à luz da sua desmistificação:
The more people know about bots, the more likely it is that citizens will begin reporting and removing bots, as well as using bots to boost their own voices.
in "How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election" 1 nov 2016
A nós, importam-nos como manifestação dos algoritmos - e quase lá, resolveremos estes na próxima oportunidade. Ainda connosco? Boa.
Parte dois: o Twitter e os media.
Internally, employees have long raised questions about whether Twitter was a media company — a broadcast platform that should be governed by content standards and practices similar to a a television network — or a piece of the internet’s infrastructure, like an ISP, that should remain open and free.
in "A Honeypot For Assholes": Inside Twitter’s 10-Year Failure To Stop Harassment" 11 agosto 2016
A citação acima condensa todo o debate que assolará as redes sociais pelos tempos mais próximos -pelo menos, enquanto a importância das mesmas estiver em cheque no actual panorama político. São estas redes sociais uma telecom ou publishing house? A diferença: same ol’ same ol’ gatekeeping. E o Twitter tem uma longa história de indefinição que, ao contrário do Facebook, não foi intencionalmente distorcida: a sua ambiguidade resulta mesmo da sua falha em compreender que modelo de negócio pretendem, quando o Facebook procura ao máximo que não compreendam ainda o seu. Mashup on tha rocks, esta retrocedendo a 2012 é ainda válida, e validamente confusa: "Is Twitter a Media or Technology Company?". É uma empresa tecnológica. Que vende publicidade. Que, por acaso, é afinal uma empresa de media. Simples.
A media or technology company? Twitter is some variation of both. (...) "I think of the company as a technology company that is in the media business" (...) "Our business is an advertising business, we don’t sell technology." (...) The company does not have any reporters or a newsroom, and almost half of its 1,300 employees are engineers, focused on building the technology. (...) The company as a communication platform above all else. (...) Lately, the company has been experimenting with media-like products. (...) "I think of us as a technology company because I think the future of the company is in building on an extensible platform that allows third-party developers and companies to add value to Twitter in a way that is accretive to Twitter and is accretive to our users," Mr. Costolo said. "I don’t need to be or want to be in the content business." (...) Instead of competing in the content business, Twitter is trying to train influential creators to use the service more effectively. (...) Mr. Costolo said in conclusion. "You can say something now and broadcast and everyone around the world sees it immediately." Which sure sounds just like a media company to me.
Com a consequente confusão reinante desde então. Actualmente:
Twitter executives think they have clarified the social media company’s mission and focus, which now revolves around live events and live commentary
in "Twitter Is Said to Be in Continued Talks With Salesforce" 10 out 2016
Ou, resumido - mas, seja lá isso o que for:
Twitter’s overall thesis that its platform extends beyond those who hold Twitter accounts
in "Twitter Is Said to Be in Continued Talks With Salesforce" 10 out 2016
Neste ponto nós próprios nos viramos para o auxílio do $$, o seu no-bullshit approach no que respeita ao artsy-fartsy ajuda-nos a compreender que roupagem veste hoje o Twitter:
For many months, Twitter has been trying to reshape itself as a growing social media service.
in "Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer to Step Down" 9 nov 2016
E voilá. Afinal, é uma empresa de media. Nota de humor: citação retirada de um contexto tão típico das envolvente do Twitter. A sua -yet again- remodelação:
That attempt now includes reshaping the company’s top ranks.
in "Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer to Step Down" 9 nov 2016
Com aquela voz agora: "Twitter!" Continuando, e uma vez de volta a 2016: "Why Twitter Is Actually a Media Company"
So let’s define Twitter once and for all. Twitter is a media company that happens to be based in San Francisco, and it should be structured, led and valued as such. Twitter is no longer a technology-driven hypergrowth unicorn. Twitter has, in a way, admitted as much. Last week, in a memo to Twitter staff, Chief Executive Jack Dorsey called the service the "People’s News Network."
in "Why Twitter Is Actually a Media Company" 16 out 2016
Media portanto. Portanto?
The definition of a media company, says New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen, is one that "makes the stuff that draws the attention." Today, Mr. Rosen categorizes Twitter as more of an "editorial" company, which aggregates attention and sells its judgments about content. But Twitter increasingly is the place where content is born. Millions of people "work" for Twitter by creating content that could dominate the next day’s news cycle. Twitter also curates and amplifies this content, prompting comparisons with a social network.
in "Why Twitter Is Actually a Media Company" 16 out 2016
Rede social que produz conteúdos, pratica uma linha editorial, e assume-se como uma empreendimento na esfera dos media. Se sabes onde queremos chegar com este raciocínio, compreendes que o azar do Twitter -apesar da sua já incrivelmente espinhosa história- mal começou.
in Real Nós, 2016
Porque, e esta é para os yuppies que nos leem:
Most investors already view Twitter as something of a hybrid between a media company and a tech company. If investors come to view Twitter purely as a media company, its stock price could be cut in half.
in "Why Twitter Is Actually a Media Company" 16 out 2016
Mas essa é a realidade dos factos:
As Twitter’s prospective suitors have one by one turned away, Twitter’s board surely has come to the realization, at last, that the company has less to do with the sexy, endlessly expanding world of "social media" — Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat — than with the seemingly duller world of old-school newspapers, limited circulation and less-than-stratospheric profit margins.
in "Twitter Has an Old Media Problem. Here’s a Solution" 27 out 2016
Enter media. Para infelicidade do Twitter, os media estão por direito próprio embrulhados na sua própria crise. Qualquer coisa sobre o digital, e as quebras de receitas da publicidade.
Twitter is a communications marvel, with 317 million active users who instantaneously convey a collective reaction to news. But a business based primarily on advertising needs advertisers.
in "Twitter Has an Old Media Problem. Here’s a Solution" 27 out 2016
Aquele excerto anterior a propósito da dança de cadeiras na hierarquia da empresa? Adivinhem à frente de que departamento estava o amiguinho? Resposta:
Adam Bain, who is leaving Twitter, was well liked by Wall Street for building up and running the company’s advertising business. (…) Mr. Bain’s duties: manage ad sales and partnerships with marketers and broadcast media companies. (...) In recent quarters, the growth of Twitter’s ad business has slowed and Mr. Bain has had to grapple with a more challenging digital advertising environment.
in "Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer to Step Down" 9 nov 2016
Dói a todos. E já vimos em posts de outros dias que a loucura chega ao ponto de com ar sério adiantarem vezes sem conta a solução do multimilionário benevolente que simplesmente paga as contas pela caridade do seu coração. Se não nos leram, não se incomodem, resumimos o raciocino aqui:
When Jeff Bezos purchased The Washington Post, it wasn’t because the newspaper was a compelling business opportunity. It was, and remains, a hallowed institution of journalism. The country’s pre-eminent newspapers, including this one, have long been controlled by families who have understood that the press is not just an ordinary industry, but a civic calling.
in "Twitter Has an Old Media Problem. Here’s a Solution" 27 out 2016
Excerto este que não fomos buscar ao passado, incrivelmente a mesma alusão já foi feita a propósito do Twitter agora que ele se assume no reino dos media:
Larry Page, a founder of Google, should buy Twitter. Pull out his own wallet and buy it. Personally. It doesn’t literally have to be Larry Page; it could be any civic-minded billionaire who sees Twitter for what it is: a primary source for news and information.
in "Twitter Has an Old Media Problem. Here’s a Solution" 27 out 2016
Mas se nos acompanhas nOS POSITIVOS sabes que não é o lado económico do empreendimento que nos importa. Importa-nos aquela outra relação aos media: informação, comunicação, censura. Chegados à parte três.
Parte 3: censura.
The right way to deal with social media’s neo-Nazis is not by taking away their platforms, but by taking away their audiences.
in "Twitter's Misbegotten Censorship" 16 nov 2016
Desenvolveremos as audiências no nosso próximo post. Fica a introdução à conclusão: como sempre devemos elucidar, ridiculizar, não censurar. E, no caso particular do Twitter, a critica à censura nem se pode valer da sua tão badalada liberdade de expressão: como no Facebook, não lhe devem - legalmente- corno.
Let’s pause here for the necessary caveats: Twitter is a private actor; it has no First Amendment obligations to anybody. It is a for-profit entity, seeking to maximize the value of its service. It can turn away anyone it likes, subject only to non-discrimination laws—and personal belief is not a forbidden ground of discrimination. Twitter is acting wholly within its rights. I’ll add a second group of caveats; these maybe a little more controversial than the first. Social-media platforms are not common carriers. They are entitled to turn away customers who behave in ways inconsistent with the platform’s identity and purpose. If Twitter decides, "This is not the place for political discussion," that’s Twitter’s prerogative.
in "Twitter's Misbegotten Censorship" 16 nov 2016
E a razão de sempre para nunca censurar, sempre educar, no mesmo artigo:
But, of course, that’s not what Twitter has done. Politics remains welcome at Twitter, as its most famous user, the president-elect, can attest. What Twitter is saying is that some and only some speech will be policed, by standards that can only be guessed at in advance. That’s socially undesirable for a lot of reasons, but consider just this one: It’s precisely the perception of arbitrary and one-sided speech policing that drives so many young men toward radical, illiberal politics.
in "Twitter's Misbegotten Censorship" 16 nov 2016
E quando nos socorremos das palavras de um speech writer para o George W Bush para demonstrar da nossa concordância sabes que temos que estar muito seguros das nossas próprias opiniões. Mas a percepção do público é paramount ao Twitter, sabemos, sabem-no. E as implicações somam-se:
The public is invested in Twitter as a public sphere. Twitter, like Facebook, is a private company and therefore not technically ruled by the First Amendment, but it is commonly understood as giving voice, as Zuckerberg himself claimed about Facebook, to more people than ever before. Its users are vigilant about keeping Twitter both an open space and a safe space, but the service needs a transparent infrastructure for that
in "Alt-right suspensions lay bare Twitter’s consistency problem" 18 nov 2016
Com a conclusão óbvia para nós e para os nazis de serviço:
For every account that's banned, new accounts take its place (...) "The more the system tries to make the ideas of nationalism taboo, the more people are going to be interested and seek them out," he said. "It's helping us propagate our message every time they try very clumsily to shut us down."
in "Twitter suspends alt-right accounts" 17 nov 2016
E a incógnita para o futuro imediato no desafio presente:
Technology companies (…) have grown into powerful media voices struggling to find a balance between being havens for misinformation and censors of free speech. (...) "Do you really want Facebook and Twitter deciding what you can talk about?" (...) "It’s a slippery slope and these companies already have massive control over what we see and what we don’t."
in "Social-Media Companies Forced to Confront Misinformation and Harassment" 15 nov 2016
Não fazemos o caso pelo Trump e companhia, mas a (in)feliz coincidência da sua vitória ilustra-nos a nossa oposição à censura.
Facebook allowed Trump to directly combat the hugely negative media coverage directed at him, simply by giving his campaign and its supporters another host of channels to distribute counterprogramming.
in "Donald Trump Won Because of Facebook" 9 nov 2016
Defendemos a comunicação directa, e para defender a liberdade de expressão tens que aceitar defender o direito de outros dizerem do que discordas. Mal nenhum vem ao mundo em calar o Trump -e em particular o Trump...- mas começar por aceitar a imposição de silêncios como mal menor é aceitar também a troca de direitos por segurança, um slippery slop que conhecemos de outras guerras que há data podiam ter inclusive beneficiado de diferentes leech writers. Como o FB, o Twitter tem o seu quê de admirável:
Twitter puts no intermediary between speaker and listener.
in "Twitter Has an Old Media Problem. Here’s a Solution." 27 out 2016
E ao contrário do FB, tem mais a perder e menos a ganhar pela inêrcia às acusações que lhe são feitas. As duas diferentes abordagens ao trollismo entre o Twitter e o FB explicam-se em números: o segundo é já grande demais para temer o 4º Estado, o primeiro não pode incorrer na sua ira porque depende dos seus favores. Estranha e curiosa situação, porque, paradoxalmente, nada alegraria mais a imprensa do que se libertar da dependência do FB:
Facebook still has control over media companies, for whom the Facebook algorithm is a source of traffic.
in "The big difference between Facebook and Twitter" 3 nov 2016
…e o Twitter é, à razão do seu uso, no realm do digital, a principal ferramenta de trabalho dos jornalistas:
Put another away, if journalism is the first draft of history, Twitter is the first draft of journalism.
in "Twitter Has an Old Media Problem. Here’s a Solution." 27 out 2016
E voltamos ao jornalismo. E ao algoritmo. Next.
E, recordando o proverbial "I told you so" com um cheirinho a BD: I told you so!
140 chars ou menos - provavelmente, mais.https://t.co/SBmZMQJUSk pic.twitter.com/3U6y1LNnXM
— OS POSITIVOS (@OS_POSITIVOS) 20 de novembro de 2016
Por data, acabaste de ler:
- Is Twitter a Media or Technology Company?
25 julho 2012 - “A Honeypot For Assholes”: Inside Twitter’s 10-Year Failure To Stop Harassment
11 agosto 2016 - Who will buy Twitter? The potential bidders, from Google to Disney
27 setembro 2016 - Twitter Is Said to Be in Continued Talks With Salesforce
10 outubro 2016 - Why Twitter Is Actually a Media Company
16 outubro 2016 - Disney Dropped Twitter Pursuit Partly Over Image
17 outubro 2016 - Twitter trolls were part of the reason why Salesforce walked away from a deal
17 outubro 2016 - Twitter Has an Old Media Problem. Here’s a Solution.
27 outubro 2016 - How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election
1 novembro 2016 - The Big Difference Between Facebook and Twitter
3 novembro 2016 - Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer to Step Down
9 nov 2016 - Daily Report: Twitter Addresses Troll Problem. Again.
15 novembro 2016 - Social-Media Companies Forced to Confront Misinformation and Harassment
15 novembro 2016 - Facebook and Google move to kick fake news sites off their ad networks
15 novembro 2016 - Twitter's Misbegotten Censorship
16 novembro 2016 - Twitter suspends alt-right accounts
17 novembro 2016 - Alt-right suspensions lay bare Twitter’s consistency problem
18 novembro 2016