Want to be a good writer? Fuck you. Want me to write for free? Keep talking.
I eventually broached the question of payment. He responded by rattling on about the great people who worked for him, how they came from all walks of life, that inevitably his site would grow, and that at some point he might possibly—no promises, I had to understand—be able to toss me a few coins. After silently fuming for a few days, I politely told him that this was simply not viable. In retrospect, I should have responded with two one-syllable words.
in "Want me to write for free? I’ve got two one-syllable words for you." 27 dez 2016
nota extra: o url é http://www.cjr.org/first_person/writing_for_free_hell_no.php
Concordamos. E concordamos com o -
There is something fundamentally obscene about expecting anyone to work gratis
- mas a continuação da frase ameaçava já com o potencial para descambar naquela argumentação que nada deve à chulice do Capital:
And that applies even to us ink-stained wretches
- porque sugere uma divisão, a afirmação de um grupo, um "nós" por oposição a um “eles”. Um "nós" que merece ser pago, versus uns "eles" que nem por isso. E não nos enganámos:
I get so angry about this because you’re undercut by all the amateurs
Aquilo das elites. Aquilo do digital. Fuck u & that other guy.
It’s the amateurs who make it tough for the professionals.
The eruption of online media has made the situation ever more intractable. Everybody has a blog (...) We’re ubiquitous. We are completely replaceable.
Fuck yeah são replaceables: o monopólio da escrita a explodir em mil direcções, todos devem ser incentivados a ler, escrever, reportar, divulgar, "cronar" e até mesmo "investigar" se por tal entendemos o aprofundar sobre o que a cada qual interessa. É parte do que nos torna umanos.
A analogia do canalizador é facciosa: mesmo que te falte a habilidade de fazer a tua própria casa, deves saber o que se passa dentro desta e ter algo a dizer sobre isso. Ainda que várias áreas de saber impliquem uma experiência profissionalizante, em sentido oposto os escribas têm mesmo que fazer as pazes com a ideia que agora todos rabiscam hieróglifos e parar de gastar o seu latim *.
* Post-script: esta descrição é-nos muito semelhante à que encontrámos na definição de "público" no Post-Industrial Journalism - Adapting to the Present" dez 2014 (de que haveremos de citar ambundantemente, eventualmente):
"The public is that group of consumers or citizens who care about the forces that shape their lives and want someone to monitor and report on those forces so that they can act on that knowledge."
Esta definição é nesse relatório complementada com a de "audiência", nos moldes que se seguem:
"The People Formerly Known as the Audience" to describe the ways in which previously quiescent groups of consumers had become creators and annotators and judges and conduits for information
Da própria peça o oposto desse elitismo com duas excepções que ilustram a razão da nossa insistência.
She might settle for nothing if she could get recompense of another sort. "If someone wants me to interview Barbara Streisand for free, I’ll do it".
I wrote a satire about Harvard’s self-importance that failed to find a taker. Finally, an old chum who had joined Huffington Post took it. Silly me, I didn’t realize that HuffPo did not pay for what is now blithely called "content." But because I was burning to make a smug point, and had taken only two hours to toss off the thing, I let it slide.
Exemplos quem entram direitos a qualquer apanhado de intenções de qualquer um que alguma vez tenha editado um fanzine: a necessidade de o fazer por vontade de o fazer, ponto. Independentemente de meios ou falta de profissionalismo, o acto impõem-se, a criação surge. Essa finalidade "ardente" e pessoal que os motiva a escrever sem contrapartidas, cremos, permite-lhes-lhes uma relação de valor pessoal que nenhum artigo redigido exclusivamente a troco de soldo poderá alguma vez alcançar. São valores de outra grandeza.
Termina com humor, uma tentativa de bashing à web, passivo-agressivo:
This summer I gave an anti-Donald Trump piece to a left-leaning news website that employs the hit model. After a couple of months, the editor told me I had earned 69 cents … but of course, it was conceivable that more would come. Send me a dollar, I replied, and we’ll call it square. A few weeks later I got a hand-written check for the dollar. I deemed it a victory.
Menos giro: enquanto este autor dificilmente encontrará novamente a motivação de escrever "anti-Donald Trump pieces" para "left-leaning news websites" ao preço de 1 dollar, já hordas de nazis que o fazem por amor ao Trump, ódio a Barbara Streisands e -ironia desperdiçada- sátira a Harvard e outras elites, nada cobram e no processo sequestram a web.
U & that other guy.

I learned a few valuable lessons right away: that newspaper writing is better than most academic writing, that a newspaper contains individuals of wildly varying abilities, that few agree on what constitutes “good” newspaper writing, that newspaper writers have fragile egos and that reporters and editors love to blame each other for the weaknesses in newspaper writing.
in "Want to be a good writer? Keep talking." 27 dez 2016

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