Enquanto registamos o geist no tópico de capitalismo e comics, é-nos igualmente relevante uma peça de ontem sobre capitalismo e printing press, da qual vamos ocultar os gráficos mas que poderão certamente depreender pelo texto como esses se inclinam. Segue-se o nosso apanhado do apanhado da peça.
It’s an annual moment of print realism here at Nieman Lab: the posting of the attention/advertising slide from Mary Meeker’s state-of-the-Internet slide deck. The kind of trends we all know are happening, but whose annual rate of progress can be hard to judge. Like, say, the continued demise of print.
Since 2011, the amount of time Americans spend with print has dropped about 40 percent. But the amount of ad dollars that go to print has dropped even more. So let’s travel back in time.
in "The scariest chart in Mary Meeker’s slide deck for newspapers has gotten even a smidge scarier" 31 maio 2017
- Here’s Meeker’s chart for 2011: The two things that jump out at me: Print gets a lot more advertising than it gets attention. And mobile is the opposite. You’d think that would equalize with time.
- Here’s 2012: Equalization! Or at least the path to equalization, proportionately. Print loses attention, but loses ad dollars a bit more quickly; mobile gains attention, but gains ad dollars a bit more quickly.
- Here’s 2013: The print story remains the same: down in attention and in ad dollars. But note there is still a wide gap between the two — print still gets far more ad dollars than its hold on the American attention would seem to “deserve.”
- Here’s 2014: The mobile growth everyone anticipated is happening and print continues to lose both time spent and revenue.
- Here’s 2015: On the positive side, print’s share of attention remained steady at 4 percent. [But] steady doesn’t necessarily mean steady — it just means a pace of decline less than that. Note, too, that mobile advertising had another huge jump.
- Finally, here’s the newest slide for 2016: Take a look at mobile! Up from 12 to 21 percent of ad revenue in one year. We now spend 40 percent more time looking at media on our phones than on our laptops and desktops. And there’s still plenty of room for growth, both in ad spend and in time spend. But given that the vast majority of new digital ad revenue goes to Google or Facebook that money isn’t exactly a boon to publishers. But then there’s print — staying steady at 4 percent of time spent for the third straight year, but another big drop in ad dollars. That lines up with the evidence that the decline in newspaper print advertising accelerated last year in a big way.
Let me wrap up: print advertising is not coming back. It will fall further. Substantially further. All newspaper planning for the coming few years needs to reckon with that basic fact. Mobile continues its rocket rise, mobile is eating the world, and most news organizations make only a pittance off it.
in "The scariest chart in Mary Meeker’s slide deck for newspapers has gotten even a smidge scarier" 31 maio 2017

that's how we roll!
E poderiamos terminar por aqui mas heres another quickie em que conseguimos combinar $$$ vs free, subsídios do estado, politics, comix (ed cartoons e tudo!), nazis, imprensa e print... - ya know, tha game, y'all! De "Polska mistrzem Polski"("Polish Champion of Poland") por Tomasz Lesniak e Rafal Skarzycki:

The city of Warsaw, Poland has withdrawn a three-year grant supporting an annual comics festival after nationalist groups complained about the content of a comic that was distributed during the event. The compilation of Polska mistrzem Polski strips by Tomasz Leśniak and Rafał Skarżycki was given away for free at the booth of publisher Timof Comics during the festival in mid-May. The comics festival will no longer receive the rest of the city’s grant over the next two years.
Polska mistrzem Polski often mock nationalists as drunken and violent louts.
in "City of Warsaw Revokes Comics Festival Grant After Nationalists Object" 31 maio 2017
Nacionalistas brutos bêbados e violentos? Fake news, só pode.