No tópico de webcomics e das coincidências: acabadinhos de rever um período histórico destes, e sai o anúncio que a Library of Congress dos américas vai começar a arquivar estes. Damn!
The library will announce Tuesday that the Webcomics Web Archive is officially launching at loc.gov as part of its growth in "born-digital" collections. The first phase of the webcomics online collection will include nearly 40 titles, including such long-running works as Josh Lesnick’s "Girly" and Zach Weiner’s "Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal."
in "Webcomic fans, rejoice: Library of Congress is launching a new archive for you" 13 jun 2017
Da seleção feita no arranque do arquivo:
The webcomics archive includes a focus on diversity in terms of both cartoonists and characters [and] also political content, including Matt Bors’s "The Nib" archive, as well as comics representing diverse narratives on human sexuality, including Erika Moen’s "DAR" and Jess Fink’s "Chester 5000 XYV." The longevity and acclaim of the webcomics are also criteria in culling the initial archive.
in "Webcomic fans, rejoice: Library of Congress is launching a new archive for you" 13 jun 2017
Entre outros,
Allie Brosh ("Hyperbole and a Half"), Kate Beaton ("Hark! A Vagrant"), Melanie Gillman ("As the Crow Flies"), Meredith Gran ("Octopus Pie"), Lucy Knisely ("Stop Paying Attention"), Katie Cook ("Gronk") and Noelle Stevenson ("Nimona")
in "Webcomic fans, rejoice: Library of Congress is launching a new archive for you" 13 jun 2017
- mas como escrevem no Fleen a propósito da notícia:
It’s a hell of a job of curation, too. A lot of the listed comics are award winners or nominees (Eisners, NCS, etc); some are no-brainers, like the Library of Congress including the library-themed Unshelved, and the importance of politcal cartooning makes The Nib a shoo-in. But how to explain the presence of As The Crow Flies, Chester 5000, or DAR!, except that somebody over at The LOC really pays attention to work in a wide variety of genres and story styles, over the past decade, from creators of all backgrounds?
in "Respectability, Dammit" 13 jun 2017
Palavra ao about oficial da coleção:
This collection focuses on comics created specifically for the web and supplements the Library of Congress’ extensive holdings in both comic books, graphic novels, and original comic art.
Webcomics are an increasingly popular format utilized by contemporary creators in the field and often includes material by artists not available elsewhere. Webcomics selected for this collection include award-winning comics (Eisner Awards, Harvey Awards, Eagle Awards, and Shuster Awards) as well as webcomics that have significance in the field due to longevity, reputation, and subject matter.
This collection includes work by artists and subjects not traditionally represented in mainstream comics, including women artists and characters, artists and characters of color, LGBTQ+ artists and characters, as well as subjects such as politics, health and human sexuality, and autobiography.
The content of these websites is captured as it was originally produced and may include content that is not suitable for all ages.
in "Collection Webcomics Web Archive" s/d mas anunciado a 13 jun 2017
E seguem-se os nossos told-u-sos. Três apenas, não queremos estar a maçar-vos demasiado no tópico - aquela coisa dOS POSITIVOS terem sempre razão já mais que deve ter feito mossa por esta altura. First, all things digital:
The library also announced the launch of its Web Cultures Web Archive, "a representative sampling of websites documenting the creation of emergent cultural traditions on the web such as GIFs, memes and emoji".
in "Webcomic fans, rejoice: Library of Congress is launching a new archive for you" 13 jun 2017
Artsy-farsty no papel: já nem tem piada bater no ceguinho. Segundo, arsty-fartsy no Facebook a contar para o digital? Nigga please, depois de tudo o que já dizemos antes? A Library do Congresso está a arquivar os webcomics com uma "Wayback Machine-like archive": adivinha lá o que resta aos teus posts nesta? Nada. Zero. Nunca exististes. Não nos entendas mal: o estar fora do radar tem o seu mérito, mas apenas quando essa parte da intenção - não um acidente e muito menos quando te esforças no inverso como -uh, I dunno- grosso modo é o caso de quem posta no FB. Terceiro e último: boa sorte em encontrar algo parecido à realidade nacional, seja no acto de arquivar, seja no objecto. Voltando e terminando com citações da nossa entrada anterior, a repensar à luz das novidades:
Websites don’t last forever, after all (...) Webcomics don’t even need websites anymore.