Those who advocate social reform value the study of authenticity since it can provide a radical manifesto and an overview of the shortcomings of social structures.
Tantas vezes prometido, sempre adiado e cada vez mais receosos que procrastinado ad aeternum, antes que o beat nos abata (*): primeiras linhas em autenticidade.
* Se os títulos mais recentes como "sempre um desafio", "miss takes" -duplicidade: pronuncia-o e percebes- , "shift happens" -jogo mais que evidente- e "shift has happend" não o deixam entender: estamos cada vez mais embrenhados noutras andanças, mesmo se reticentes delas.
Escolhemos para registo inaugural de intenções uma entrada que nos satisfaz em tantas medidas que quase se poderia suspeitar da origem desta. Felizmente, podem ler essa origem e descartar as vossas suspeitas: citamos de uma fonte que vos permite analisar as fontes. Igualmente, uma fonte que, a bem ou a mal, representa o colectivo de análises que alguém, algures, elegeu como relevante ao tema.
"Authenticity (philosophy)" in Wikipedia out 2017
E de coincidências que se erguem entre o ruído de informações sem nexo, traçamos o caminho. Reunido sobre "autenticidade, filosofia", surpresa surpresa, outros eixos comuns às teses: media, arte, cultura popular, punx, $$$. Há outras razões para nos ocuparmos da autenticidade como central às nossas teses, igualmente centrais à sua definição. Deixando-as de fora por agora enunciemos duas frentes a germinar filamentos de entendimentos futuros: fake -seja na variante news ou outros intentos, trolls for lulz, ou a impostura de bots que se querem mais humanos que os humanos-, e originalidade na era da duplicação digital - enredada à arte na era da reprodução mecânica.
Hoje, ocupamo-nos de autenticidade como "the unimpeded operation of one's true or core self in one's daily enterprise" e dificilmente poderíamos escolher melhor forma de aterrar o conceito entre OS POSITIVOS: cultura ,e contra-esta (*):
Some writers on authenticity in the twentieth century considered the predominant cultural norms to be inauthentic; not only because they were seen as forced on people, but also because, in themselves, they required people to behave inauthentically towards their own desires, obscuring true reasons for acting.
* Seguido no mesmo parágrafo de anti-capitalismo a recordar o lado tenebroso da cultura popular:
Advertising, in as much as it attempted to give people a reason for doing something that they did not already possess, was a "textbook" example of how Western culture distorted the individual for external reasons. An early example of the connection between inauthenticity and capitalism was made by Karl Marx, whose notion of "alienation" can be linked to the later discourse on the nature of inauthenticity.
Senhoras e senhores, seguem-se considerações baseadas em "abstract approaches, subjective and often culture bound", alertando desde já que "views of authenticity in cultural activities vary widely." Segundo disclaimer: tudo Wikipedia, mas esse já fizemos antes e é parte da razão deste preâmbulo: deixamos outros indagar sobre a exactidão da informação recolhida, importa-nos notar que essa o foi na enciclopédia aberta da era digital, e quais os tópicos que elegeram como meritórios nessa análise. O resumo a reter.
While authenticity may be a goal intrinsic to "the good life," it is often a difficult state to actually achieve, due in part to social pressures to live inauthentically and in part to a person's own character. It is also described as a revelatory state, where one perceives oneself, other people, and sometimes even things, in a radically new way. Some writers argue that authenticity also requires self-knowledge, and that it alters a person's relationships with other people. Authenticity also carries with it its own set of moral obligations, which often exist regardless of race, gender and class. The notion of authenticity also fits into utopian ideology, which requires authenticity among its citizens to exist, or which claims that such a condition would remove physical and economic barriers to pursuing authenticity.
Autenticidade, Wikipedia, em três: a technical term used in 1) psychology, 2) existentialist philosophy, 3) aesthetics, que restruturamos em outros três:
1. Filosofia
In existentialism, authenticity is the degree to which one is true to one's own personality, spirit, or character, despite external pressures; the conscious self is seen as coming to terms with being in a material world and with encountering external forces, pressures, and influences which are very different from, and other than, itself.
2. Música
The concept of authenticity is often aired in musical subcultures, such as punk rock and heavy metal, where a purported lack of authenticity is commonly labeled with the epithet "poseur". There is also a focus on authenticity in music genres such as "...house, grunge, garage, hip-hop, techno, and showtunes".
3. Estética
In aesthetics, "authenticity" describes the perception of art as faithful to the artist's self, rather than conforming to external values such as historical tradition, or commercial worth.
E aqueles que nos acompanham com alguma atenção são assaltados com um sorriso atrevido que ensaia o seu primeiro esgar. Demos-lhe munição!

Começamos pelo início, a que dispensa qualquer uma das frentes inicialmente marcadas no mapa das teses já que parte de dentro e faz parte: HUMOR & DEPRESSÃO. Ou, existencialismo:
"Authenticity" in psychology refers to the attempt to live one's life according to the needs of one's inner being, rather than the demands of society or one's early conditioning, [ie] authenticity is one way in which the self acts and changes in response to pressures.
Para efeitos de literatura, alguma história e name droppin':
Walter Kaufmann might be credited with creating a "canon" of existentialist writers which include Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, and Jean-Paul Sartre.
Authenticity is often "at the limits" of language; it is described as the negative space around inauthenticity, with reference to examples of inauthentic living.
Os seus romances recorrem a "characters and antiheroes who base their actions on external pressures who do not understand their own reasons for acting, or who ignore crucial facts about their own lives in order to avoid uncomfortable truths", e, segundo o autor –
Typically, authenticity is seen as a very general concept, not attached to any particular political or aesthetic ideology. Because it concerns a person's relation with the world, it cannot be arrived at by simply repeating a set of actions or taking up a set of positions. In this manner, authenticity is connected with creativity: the impetus to action must arise from the person in question, and not be externally imposed.
Takes [Satre] notion to the extreme by speaking in very abstract terms about modes of living, often focuses on biblical stories which are not directly imitable.
Enought said, próximo, Kierkegaard:
Authenticity is reliant on an individual finding authentic faith and becoming true to oneself. In order to achieve authenticity, one must face reality and form his own opinions of existence.
Com direito a entrada para os media, e coisa:
News media and the bourgeois church-Christianity present challenges for an individual in society trying to live authentically: mass-culture creates a loss of individual significance, supporting a society that does not form its own opinions but utilizes the opinions constructed by the news. Similarly, he interprets religion as a tradition that is passively accepted by individuals, without the inclusion of authentic thought.
Nietzsche’s view of authenticity is an atheist interpretation of Kierkegaard. He believes in finding truth without the use of virtues: the authentic man [is] someone who elevates himself over others in order to transcend the limits of conventional morality in an attempt to decide for oneself about good and evil, without regard for the virtues "on account of which we hold our grandfathers in esteem."The commonality of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche’s existential philosophies is "the responsibilities they place on the individual to take active part in the shaping of one’s beliefs and then to be willing to act on that belief."
E pontes fazem-se com outras frentes como a que Kierkegaard deixa adivinhar. Próxima entrada na Wikipedia?
Jornalismo existencial:
Existential philosophers like Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Heidegger investigate the existential-ontological significance of societally constructed norms to decipher authenticity. For an existential journalist, this aversion to, and turning away from, an unquestioning acceptance of norms contributes to the production of an authentic work: authentic journalism can exist if the journalist is true to one’s self and rejects conformism.
De conformismos, crítica pela positiva sobre supra mencionados, Erich Fromm:
Authenticity [como] a positive outcome of enlightened and informed motivation rather than a negative outcome of rejection of the expectations of others. He considered behavior of any kind, even that wholly in accord with societal mores, to be authentic if it results from personal understanding and approval of its drives and origins, rather than merely from conformity with the received wisdom of the society. Thus authenticity may behave consistently in a manner that accords with cultural norms, for the reason that those norms appear on consideration to be appropriate, rather than simply in the interest of conforming with current norms.
E de críticas e coincidências, a habitual que fazemos aos media e a Wiki estende-nos em tapete vermelho:
There are traditions that exist in media and news outlets that prevent journalists from achieving authenticity: journalists are "gladly sacrificing individual authenticity to adapt nicely to the highly regimented, depersonalized corporate structure"
Conseguiremos mais intersecções às teses? Senhores. Arte. Artsy-farsty! Punk. Poseurs!
Individuals concerned with living authentically have often led unusual lives that opposed cultural norms. However anti-authoritarianism and eccentricity does not necessarily constitute an authentic state of being: the punk subculture classifies members as "poseurs" if they are deemed to not understand or respect the subculture's values.
Pausa. Inspirar-expirar. Ponderar. Sorrir. No tópico da autenticidade, de tantas considerações possíveis, a sequência devolve-nos existencialismo, media, arte e punk. Nós não inventamos estas merdas! Regressar. Arte? Punk? Mais uma trindade:
Three elements to authenticity:"Poseur" is used to refer to a person (or band) who copies the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a group or subculture, generally for attaining acceptability within the group, yet who is deemed not to share or understand the values or philosophy of the subculture.
- 1) long-term dedication to the scene;
- 2) knowing key events of [that] culture;
- 3) making the right choices based on one's authentic inner voice.
in "Poseurs" out 2017
Nessa nota a Wiki é igualmente generosa, afinal, o que é o arsty-f. senão uma tradição de poseurismo?
A "poseur" (or "poser") is someone who "poses for effect, or behaves affectedly"; who "affects a particular attitude, character or manner to impress others"; who pretends to belong to a particular group. "Poseur" or "poseuse" is used to mean a person who poses for an artist – a painter's model.
in "Poseurs" out 2017
… e não necessariamente depreciativa:
The playwright Aristophanes portrays Socrates as a "poseur"; George Bernard Shaw, has been described as a poseur; Oscar Wilde has been described as a "poseur"; the painter James A. Whistler has been sometimes described as a "poseur": his ability to cultivate the role of the poseur, to "act as if he were always on stage", in order to stir interest, and cause people to wonder how such a poseur could create work that was so serious and authentic.
in "Poseurs" out 2017
...mas, como suspeitam, entre nós, o é.
Young kids going through a goth phase
"Poseur" is often a pejorative term, as used in the punk, heavy metal, hip hop, and goth subcultures, or the skateboarding, surfing and jazz communities, when it is used to refer to a person who copies the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a group or subculture, generally for attaining acceptability within the group or for popularity among various other groups, yet who is deemed not to share or understand the values or philosophy of the subculture.
in "Poseurs" out 2017
Artsy-fartsy no punx:
Bad Religion's Brett Gurewitz used the term to refer to young listeners want "not to have to think and [instead they] would rather use music as escapism [,] and too many bands seem willing to comply"
in "Poseurs" out 2017
Mea culpa e como nos tornámos conservadores com o tempo -
"For every person sporting an anarchy symbol without understanding it there’s an older punk who thinks they’re a poseur." When a group or scene's "followers grow in number, the original devotees abandon it, [...] because it is now attracting too many poseurs—people the core group does not want to be associated with"
in "Poseurs" out 2017
- e aquilo do $$$?
The connection of inauthenticity to capitalism is contained in the notion of "selling out," used to describe an artist whose work has become inauthentic after achieving commercial success and thus becoming to an extent integrated into an inauthentic system.
in "Poseurs" out 2017

go-go-phony, insert coin: u got no credit
E se não foi óbvio com esse passo de dança voltámos dead center às teses. Fim de preâmbulo, continuem connosco neste ambular.