[ do "valor" - ninguém perguntou da importância destes ]

De estratégias sustentáveis a propósito de festivais de BD - parte um.
Permitam-nos um exemplo - mas temos que dar a volta maior.
Sobrevivendo ao Apocalipse da Amazon on the rise, "a funny thing happened": "indie bookstores staged an unexpected comeback". E nesse tópico o registo de um estudo noticiado originalmente na revista da Harvard Business School 20 nov 2017 (*) sobre identidade, comunidade, indies, tecnologia, e livros.
* Mas worry not, chega-nos via Quartz 26 nov 2017 por terceiros. We-good.
O autor, "assistant professor in the Organizational Behavior unit" (*), "studies how mature organizations and industries faced with technological change reinvent themselves", "even attended a training course on how to open an independent bookstore" e "began with his study of the Swiss watch industry, which collectively reinvented itself (and thus survived) in the wake of digital watches."
* Importou-nos destacar a sua área de estudo: o comportamento organizacional. Não é uma escolha inocente.
Do registo do tempo ao registo do pensamento, novamente o digital. Deste e do papel, e agora socorremos-mos do seu abstract.
Overall, this work aims to contribute to extant theory at the intersection of research on technological change, social movements, and collective identity. Together, these contributions provoke new avenues to think about how incumbents preserve legacy technologies and business models in established fields when faced with technological change.
Because independent bookstores are, by definition, independent, this setting offers a unique context to explore this paper’s research question: "How do independent actors in a mature industry collectively respond to a technological discontinuity?"
in "Reframing Collective Identity in Response to Multiple Technological Discontinuities: The Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores." nov 2017
Especificamente, a orientação do seu estudo:
Scholars have pointed to the important role that cognitive framing and collective identity can play in shaping incumbent responses to technology change [mas] far less is known about [estes] mechanisms and processes that explicate how and why incumbents attempt to preserve mature business models and legacy technologies within a new technological order.
in "Reframing Collective Identity in Response to Multiple Technological Discontinuities: The Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores." nov 2017
Identidades, portanto. Seguem-se as narrativas oficiais -
In the wake o f a technological discontinuity, the pervading view is that incumbents will eventually abandon the displaced legacy technology in favor of the new variant, or fall victim to competitors who are able to adopt the capabilities associated with the new dominant design.
in "Reframing Collective Identity in Response to Multiple Technological Discontinuities: The Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores." nov 2017
- e como o estudo as quer contrariar.
in "Reframing Collective Identity in Response to Multiple Technological Discontinuities: The Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores." nov 2017
- First, prior research on social movements and organizational responses to technological change has largely examined how and why incumbent firms eventually adopt practices or values that emerge from an outside social movement. Here, I examine an instance where the locus of the social movement originates from within the incumbent field as a response to a new technological order.
- Second, scholars interested in incumbent responses to technological change have highlighted how collective identity can become a cognitive trap that can prevent; here again, this paper offers an alternative view that illustrates how collective identity can become a mechanism to enable incumbent resilience and adaptation in the wake of a technological discontinuity.
- Finally, research at the intersection of social movements and collective identity has examined how mobilization of normative and economic interests can constitute new market categories with distinct collective identities. This paper, however, examines how social movements and collective identity mobilization can reshape a mature market category.
E as conclusões porque já vos estamos a perder:
The "3 C’s" of independent bookselling’s resurgence:
in "The Value of Local Independent Bookstores" 26 nov 2017
- Community: Independent booksellers were some of the first to champion the idea of localism; bookstore owners across the nation promoted the idea of consumers supporting their local communities by shopping at neighborhood businesses.
- Curation: Independent booksellers began to focus on curating inventory that allowed them to provide a more personal and specialized customer experience. Rather than only recommending bestsellers, they developed personal relationships with customers by helping them discover up-and-coming authors and unexpected titles.
- Convening: Independent booksellers also started to promote their stores as intellectual centers for convening customers with likeminded interests—offering lectures, book signings, game nights, children’s story times... even birthday parties.
Mercado, elites, gigantes prepotentes e freaks locais. Mas reparamos: o crédito reparte-se por uma mistura de estratégias do down-up, as que nos ocuparam até aqui, e top-down:
While all this was happening on a local level, there was important top-down work going on at the American Booksellers Association. The ABA served as a glue to bind likeminded players together - facilitating partnerships between bookstores and other local businesses, for example. The ABA also strengthened the collective identity of indie bookstores by helping its members share best practices, such as how to use social media to promote special events.
in "The Value of Local Independent Bookstores" 26 nov 2017
Todos felizes portanto: há de tudo um pouco para neoliberais e apologistas do poder central e local não se chatearam.
E se falharam em compreender o exemplo dado, recuperamos este vídeo do The Lakes International Comic Art Festival - um festival de BD na sua 5ª edição.
Chamamos a vossa atenção à integração deste com as livrarias (e outros estabelecimentos) locais, minuto 1:33 and counting: fica a sugestão aos que organizam festivais.
"The event is not just making use of some venues, but in fact the entire town is somehow involved."
Porque às vezes pode-se ir contra as narrativas prevalecentes. Outras vezes não: parte II, estratégias insustentáveis, comin' next.