Nice: but what if there 'r no readers?
Tecnologia, jornalismo e cómicos resolvidos, a combinação de todos com o "A" grande sem bolinha à volta por fundo, que tornamos a encontrar entre escritos que pululam pelos populares nesta recta final de revisões - aquilo das coincidências: os deuses do mass-pop providenciam sempre. Mantemos o registo abstracto o suficiente mas alguma atenção da vossa parte deverá tornar óbvia a intenção – ie, preenche o que falta.
Do enunciado: a imprensa é indissociável da tecnologia que a permite, e destina-se ao consumo das massas. Assim como os comics.
Enunciemos então: i) os media e os comics não existem desde sempre; ii) surgiram quando a tecnologia os tornou possíveis –tech algo tão "básico" como o papel; iii) a tecnologia continua a evoluir; iv) é forçoso que os media e os comics continuem a evoluir; v) não é forçoso que continuem a existir de futuro – afinal, no passado não os havia.
Conseguimos insinuar? Cultura pop to tha rescue.
You cannot build a real person from reading a book like this: you impose yourself onto the idea of the artist. What I am addressing is a ghost I have summoned, but it is not one that is transparent, and to read these words is to feel the weight of carrying all these pages
Banda desenhada, imagens, e a tecnologia que as dissemina, no processo retirando-as de contexto e criando-lhes uma outra existência independente da sua origem.
Hey, wanna hear a scary story? The internet has transformed the impulse for expressing affection into a dehumanizing and monetizable force! Well, I didn’t say it was going to be a new story…
Provided you are extremely online, you’ve heard of Junji Itō, surely among the most internet-famous of horror cartoonists, whose works are passed around - be they full stories or juicy images - on any platform for the dissemination of images you can think of.
His comics are pirated a lot; enough so that the initial acts of piracy become stock for subsequent excerpts and details, often posted out of affection. “Who drew this?” someone inevitably asks.
I wonder if this sliver of ubiquity, carved off by the endless posting and reposting of images that drive so much of social media, risks transforming Itō into a type of internet fauna: a Junji Itō that merely exists, ex nihilo, without consideration of the reality inhabited by the artist.
in "Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories" 20 dez 2017
Que, acrescento maravilhoso coincidente a outras frentes, nos remete à importância da literacia.
This means of seeing art has a way of situating the artist in an eternal present: ever-consumable - because when you are on the internet you are often making money for somebody, be they scan aggregate sites and ad-powered piracy apps or social media platforms that survive on the glamour of their necessity as communication tools - but divorced from the relevant contexts that speak to the evolution, the fixations, the historical situation of the aesthetic project, and the other means by which we might begin to develop a greater literacy.
in "Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories" 20 dez 2017

Darth Vader takin' shit from a bot...
It’s fun to make fun of Star Wars for its various plot holes, but in this case, this is consistent with the rest of the series.
E de literacia, chegamos à guerra das estrelas. Do cite anterior: fora a piada, note-se a consistência. Quis o geist desta época natalícia que a última saga da série estreie quando nas Américas se corta a neutralidade a que os ISPs foram obrigados.
I want to point out that Rogue One is really about internet freedom. Really. Think about it.
Rogue One, property of the Walt Disney Company, is actually a movie about internet freedom. It is a movie about data transmission as a political act, and one in which unequal access to bands of transmission puts people’s lives at risk. Star Wars knows what everyone in this country except three FCC commissioners knows: discrimination across data speeds is a form of censorship.
in "Rogue One is actually about internet freedom" 15 dez 2017
Acesso à tecnologia reservado às elites.
Throughout the movie canon there appears to be very limited access to interstellar long-distance communications:
Luke, Leia, and Han spend much of the original trilogy floating around in space, not communicating with the Rebel Alliance, or each other, for that matter, when they do get separated. But it’s not that faster-than-light data transmissions are impossible. Vader teleconferences with the Emperor from across the galaxy in Empire Strikes Back. In Phantom Menace, Senator Palpatine communicates in real time with the Naboo government via hologram, and does the same with the Trade Federation in his capacity as Darth Sidious. In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan ventures out to the remote planet of Kamino on the edge of the galaxy, and keeps the Jedi Council updated with regular calls. Toward the end of the film, he contacts Anakin and Padme Amidala in a nearby star system, asking them to relay a message to the Jedi Council, since his “long-range transmitter has been knocked out.”
So long-distance communications require specialized technology, and it doesn’t appear that everyone has access to it. In fact, it seems that most people are cut off from the galaxy at large.
in "Rogue One is actually about internet freedom" 15 dez 2017
The climax of Rogue One is a truly relatable struggle: Uploading A Very Large File Under Time Constraints. We’ve all been there.
The hero, Jyn Erso, climbs up to the top of a tower so that she can use the giant space antenna to transmit the Death Star plans to a Rebel ship in orbit. Once received, the files are copied onto a disk. This raises some questions: would it have killed Jyn to email the plans to herself? Or put it on Dropbox? If she could upload the plans to the ship, why not to a ship farther away and less likely to get shot down, or even to the Rebel base?
The fate of the whole galaxy depends on these Death Star plans making it back to the Rebel base, and for the entirety of A New Hope, our heroes are running around with the sole copy on one little disk. No one thought to make backups, upload the files somewhere else, or even better: post them publicly somewhere. After all, only the Empire wants to keep the plans secret. It’s no skin off the Rebel Alliance’s nose if the entire galaxy can see the schematics of the Death Star. Why go cloak-and-lightsaber if you could just make an anonymous Tumblr?
in "Rogue One is actually about internet freedom" 15 dez 2017
Also, os media e pub-ads. No futuro, sobrevivem só os últimos.
Aqueles que fazem previsões sobre esse não parecem imaginar esse cenário..
Star Wars features little to no mass media to speak of - there’s no news or journalism at all. Coruscant might be lit up by bright advertisements, but there’s no news media. The lack of books and newspapers has led at least one writer to speculate that most people in the Star Wars galaxy are totally illiterate, but you don’t need literacy to consume television or radio, and there is very little of either.
in "Rogue One is actually about internet freedom" 15 dez 2017
Media -inexistentes- e da classe que governa e é governada.
There is no fourth estate to either critique or cheer on the government, and so the populace is silent while the galaxy spirals into a quagmire of a war in which the executive branch repeatedly expands its power in unprecedented ways. The politicians of the Republic never express much concern about voters or polls. Public outrage never factors into decision-making for better or for worse. Voters in Star Wars are thoroughly disengaged.
in "Rogue One is actually about internet freedom" 15 dez 2017
E aqui o artigo cita outro de há 5 anos atrás: pré-trumpas, antes do jornalismo em crise histérica pela sua sobrevivência., pré-tech ubíqua no quotidiano moderno. Um outro universo far, far away.
If you simply stick to the Star Wars films, there is no news media of any kind.
Consider the conversation how Queen Amidala can’t verify the existence of a coming invasion. She’s got no pictures, and stranger still, no reputable news source has even written about the blockade of Naboo. Why [are] there no journalists? A possible answer: it’s because most people don’t read, which means that over time most people in this universe don’t ever learn to read.
It’s in this lack of news media where the possibility of widespread illiteracy in the Star Wars galaxy starts to become more and more likely.
in "Most Citizens of the Star Wars Galaxy are Probably Totally Illiterate" 3 out 2012
Everything in Star Wars is about video chat via holograms, or verbal communication through com-links. Nobody texts in Star Wars!
Not once in any Star Wars movie does someone pick up a book or newspaper, magazine, literary journal, or chapbook handmade by an aspiring Jawa poet. If something is read by someone in Star Wars, it’s almost certainly off of a screen (and even then, maybe being translated by a droid), and it’s definitely not for entertainment purposes. As early as the 1990s-era expanded Star Wars books and comic books, we’re introduced to ancient Jedi “texts” called holocrons, which are basically talking holographic video recordings. Just how long has the Star Wars universe been reliant on fancy technology to transfer information as opposed to the written word? Is it possible that a good number of people in Star Wars are completely illiterate?
in "Most Citizens of the Star Wars Galaxy are Probably Totally Illiterate" 3 out 2012
It seems like this society has slipped into a kind of highly functional illiteracy. People stopped using the written word, because they didn’t need to, and it slipped away from being a commonly held skill. The necessity to actually learn reading and writing is fading away. Those who know how to build and repair droids and computers probably have better jobs than those who can’t. This is why there seems to be so much poverty in Star Wars: widespread ignorance.
in "Most Citizens of the Star Wars Galaxy are Probably Totally Illiterate" 3 out 2012
Voltando ao presente: nazis.
Every person in the Star Wars movies who is portrayed engaging in real-time long-distance communications is a member of the government in some capacity: Senator Palpatine / Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Jedi Council. The Republic created a system in which only politicians and high-ranking members of a military religious order could use long-distance signals, and that set up the conditions in which the whole galaxy succumbed to a thinly veiled reference to Nazism.
in "Rogue One is actually about internet freedom" 15 dez 2017
Tech, restrições sobre esta, os media, democracia:
The democracy of the Galactic Republic is a farce, because the voters of the Republic have no idea what’s going on. And they have no idea, because there is no media to disseminate information - and there is no media, because bands for long-distance signals are restricted.
in "Rogue One is actually about internet freedom" 15 dez 2017
Pretty pictures / petty pictures. Conclusões a passar de ano: academia e outras elites cultas, cultura visual, tecnologia.
Padme points out that liberty dies “with thunderous applause,” but really their liberty is dying because most of them can’t read and are powerless and disenfranchised.
Pilots for the Empire are probably functionally literate, because they go through some kind of training academy. It seems like all the characters in Star Wars learn how to do is punch certain buttons to make their machines do what they need to do, and everything else is left up to droids.
I think the visual evidence suggests a culture much more reliant upon technology and droids than is immediately apparent.
If a whole culture relied exclusively on a group like the Jedi to not only guard justice and truth, but also be the only educated, literate people around, that culture would be seriously screwed up. Meanwhile, these people simply rely on their droids to do everything else.
in "Most Citizens of the Star Wars Galaxy are Probably Totally Illiterate" 3 out 2012
A nossa base: ainda a autenticidade.