sorry folks: u forgot tha say 'please'
voltaremos quando vos for mais inconveniente

tha plot!

from tha "ominous lookin' photo" series

Bonus round for everybody droppin’ in without a clue.

I was going to post part II of unsustainable strategies, comics wise, tonite, but I got back from my weekend to a shit storm of traffic on tha FSL entry.

So, short and sweet:

Dear international drop-ins:

--- shiiit, too long to even try to make sense of it all and too weird to take an educated guess: go with whatever u fell like it and have a ball! I-know-I-would.

Dear-one-guy-in-particular: u-a-fan? Nope? So stop crawling my site up and down all tha time: how many dudes u think comb thru tha site with your university’s IPs every-frickin’-day!? just by lookin’ at traffic from your neck of tha hoods I can tell when you’re waking up, calling it in, loggin on at work or loggin off for tha day. Subscribe the newsletter and I’ll keep u posted! Really. And way-way less creepy.

Havin' said that... Parece que será melhor voltar ao início desta conversa. Repetindo,

Para não evitar mal-entendidos, sejamos óbvios então: nós gostamos da bd do Francisco, mas esta arrisca-se perder-se no artsy-fartsy.
in Real Nós

Chill. Not chilli.
