A regresso do grind retomamos meado à História, e da mesma revista (*) onde nos explicam porque autenticidade demora o seu tempo -
Authenticity will continue to be a buzzword for centuries to come, and people will never stop promoting the importance of being one’s true, authentic self. It is a common exhortation: live authentically. But what does authenticity actually mean? As a psychological concept, authenticity simply means embracing who you really are, at your very core, and acting in accordance to your own values and beliefs. I personally suspect that this reflects a period of self-exploration where people are searching and perhaps succeeding at ‘finding themselves’. People tend to believe that they are getting closer to their true selves over the course of their lives. Our perceived sense of authenticity is continually changing. We do not think of ourselves as stagnant beings.
in "When will I be me? Why a sense of authenticity takes its time" 5 jun 2018
*) Vale o que vale. Pelos próprios e porque se podem ir foder: recrutaram os participantes do estudo no Amazon Mechanical Turk. Ó, a ironia.
- continuamos de guerras antigas. Arte, o digital, e mudanças contínuas.
We are starting to perceive the world through computational filters, perhaps even organising our lives around the perfect selfie or defining our aesthetic worth around the endorsements of computationally mediated ‘friends’.
in "Art by algorithm" 5 jun 2018
Ainda as batalhas que fazem farrapos de outros, mas ao contrário desses a não desistirmos porque "we need to remain the creators, and not the creations, of our beautiful machines." Segue-se o resumo/mashup para acelerar discussão, como de habitual distorcemos sentidos à peça original para cumprir os nossos propósitos. O problema, arte edition:
"When every art has its Auto-Tune, how will we distinguish great beauty from an increasingly perfect average?"
Sim, sempre e ainda aquilo do autêntico. E a solução:
As creators and appreciators of the arts, we would do well to remember all the things that Google does not know.
It’s all data, from DNA to footstep counters, from high-frequency stock trading to videoblogging. And while that makes more aspects of cultural life accessible to algorithms, it also makes all the same aspects tractable for art. For that reason alone, the emancipatory power of art is vitally important as we come to terms with the deep consequences of cultural computation. The role of art in creating new forms of legibility, of literacy, will become crucial for humans attempting to swim in the ocean of computation, that vast deep we can only appreciate through metaphor, analogy or creative interpretation.
in "Art by algorithm" 5 jun 2018
Solidários com os luddites modernos que se escusam às tecnologias, não conseguimos deitar, rolar e fingir de morto, pelo que além da nossa simpatia pouco mais nos conseguem à causa. Romantismos idos, o que sobra.
Human creativity has always been a response to the immense strangeness of reality, and now its subject has evolved, as reality becomes increasingly codeterminate, and intermingled, with computation. The creative response to computation needs to pursue both of these avenues:
- the human capacity and receptivity for surprise
- the need for new creative computational literacies
What we crave most in art, what we reward more than anything else, is surprise. Creative breakthroughs achieve much of their impact by shocking us into some new perspective on the world. We need art to surprise us in order to blow up the world, to create fissures out of which the new can emerge.
Surprise will remain a human territory, at least for the short term - computation is not good at this. Algorithms are wonderful for extrapolating from past information, but they still lag behind human creativity when it comes to radical, interesting leaps. There is a cadence, a significance that we seek in the aesthetics of surprise that reaches deeper than mere randomness. As pattern-seeking animals, we are looking not just for comprehensible behaviours but for signs and portents – stories about the world that allow us to configure reality according to an aesthetic logic. And that aesthetic provides a space for humanity in the age of culture machines - a human creator who bends computational tools to achieve a breakthrough that somehow becomes more than a recombination or incremental advancement of prior work.
in "Art by algorithm" 5 jun 2018
...e segundas oportunidades.
We have to contemplate how computation is changing our fundamental cultural grammars of action. Our ubiquitous smartphones, sensors and platforms are more than just new nouns on the stage of cultural practice. They are generating new verbs and grammatical relationships. In other words, digital platforms are imposing exponential shifts in creative practice and possibility. The second major opportunity for human creativity in the face of increasingly intelligent, competent and aesthetically capable machines in the age of algorithms [is to] cultivate a deep respect for algorithmic literacy and the capacity to ‘read’ the impact of computational influences on our work – not necessarily to resist those influences, but to understand them and use them to become better humans.
in "Art by algorithm" 5 jun 2018
Tornando-nos better humans, compreendendo e, talvez porque seja necessário, resistindo.
The visceral reaction is to rebel against these simulations of progress and perfection.
Many artists today explore the seams and rough edges of digital platforms, creating art out of the glitches and unintended juxtapositions that they can eke out of increasingly complicated creative systems - clearly rebellions against the aesthetic constraints of computation. Lurking behind these efforts to disrupt the normal functioning of computational culture is a deeper creative need.
in "Art by algorithm" 5 jun 2018
As necessidades criativas continuam, mas para os artsys fechamos por aqui. Aos nossos punx, o same ol' same ol': ain't a new game, just a level up.