sorry folks: u forgot tha say 'please'
voltaremos quando vos for mais inconveniente

oh oh oh!

I could quit.

So the question that probably didn’t cross your mind until I put it there is, if I’m happy and healthy, does it have a negative effect on my comedic work? And the answer is that I don’t know. And I don’t particularly care. If being a good comedy writer means I have to be depressed, then fuck it, I quit.
julia wertz

but guess?

We can do humor AND depression.

rippado à liz suburbia


xtra: fam-pict!

quase deitado no chão para tirar a foto quando vejo a baby-garl a imitar-me: cute!
borrifei-me para o tema e tirei antes uma foto dela
com alguma sorte há-de criar os seus próprios P+ :)
